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Police called me to talk about my novel

Chinese police called me to talk about my novel. Police knew I am Cui Haoxin. After he confirmed my pen name is An Ran, he talked about my new novel Dozakh(《地藏》). Dozakh tells a series of little-known stories about the resistance of chinese muslims in cultural revolution(文革 1966-1976). I asked police what is the questions of my novel. He said the novel has to do with Xinjiang policy. I was amazed at this view. My novel tells the stories of Hui muslim but not Uyghur. Why did they associate my novel with current Xinjiang situation? Police said he didn't read my novel and was only ordered to call me by Jinan Public Security Bureau. Police told me my novel is related to chinese ethnic problems in Cutural Revolution. My novel Dozakh(《地藏》) critisizes the totalitarianism and racism in the Cutural Revolution. I asked police if chinese communists already redefine the Cultural Revolution(文革). He rejected to reply.

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Read the novel Dozakh
