当“反回”的声音在中国的社交媒体上异军突起时,来自澳大利亚的中国问题专家(Follow her on Twitter @WLYeung)撰写了一篇深度剖析文章,梳理了事件前前后后的诸多疑点,以及舆论水面下的深层次原因,解答了一段旧视频何以会引发“新公愤”……
虽然我不尽然认同那位澳大利亚朋友文中的观点,这里也确实不是伦敦,不可能冒出萨迪克·汗(Sadiq Khan)从人权律师到伦敦市长的族群传奇……
Recently a video of a
5-year-old Hui Muslim kindergarten pupil from Gansu province reciting verses
from the Qur’an went viral on China’s social media, attracting almost unanimous
condemnation from presumably Han Chinese netizens. At a discussion forum, for example,
several comments labelled the preaching of religion to children as “evil cult”
behavior. They called for netizens to “say no to evil cults and to stop evil
cults from invading schools.” Others questioned why schools allowed children to
“wear black head scarves and black robes as if they’re adults.” They also
expressed support for legislation that “set an age limit to religious freedom.”
One comment went as far as asking all Hui Muslims to move to the Middle East.
“ In my opinion, their religion has no part in Chinese civilization. It
belongs somewhere else. I hope they will all leave.”
It was
subsequently discovered that the aforementioned video was initially posted on YouTube in 2014.
It makes one wonder why the video has suddenly emerged and become popular, and
whether the “public anger” it has generated is indeed genuine and spontaneous.
education authorities subsequently ordered a strict adherence to a ban on religion in schools. On Twitter,
when Ismael, a Hui Muslim poet and blogger from Shandong, a coastal province,
defended Hui Muslims’ right to freedom of religion, his Twitter account was
invaded by a torrent of abusive responses to his recent tweets (here, here and here for just a
few examples). As someone who re-posted Ismael’s tweets, I bore witness to this
unfortunate episode of cyberbullying on Twitter; I later learnt that Ismael had
sustained even more serious abuses at other Chinese online fora.
Ismael worries
about the implications of what he describes as coordinated campaigns to ramp up
racial tension against Hui Muslims. His suspicion is not groundless.
Recent events
targeting Hui Muslims, however, suggest advocates of this agenda have gone a
step further to forge public opinion against ethnic-based rights to religion,
challenging directly the traditional policy of regional ethnic autonomy.
but its possible
expansion to the Hui Muslims is noteworthy. For a very long time, this fourth
largest national minority group has been the poster child of China’s ethnic
policy. It epitomises the benefits of ethnic autonomy as an arrangement that
promotes social stability. It highlights the success of a policy that allows
ethnic minorities the freedom to maintain their language, customs, and
religion. Most importantly, it helps negate the negative publicity that the
Chinese government is receiving due to its draconian policies in Tibet and
Indeed, a recent report in New
York Times provided us a closer look at the religious life of Hui Muslims in
Ningxia. China’s Hui Muslims have assimilated rather thoroughly with the Han
Chinese majority over the course of 1,000 years with Hui Muslim streets or
districts in many cities across China, and co-exist remarkably well with the
Communist Party. They have been allowed space to openly practice their religion
with minimal government hostility and intervention, in stark contrast to
restrictions imposed on Uighurs in Xinjiang.
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